Monday, June 14, 2010

It's not about us

I had the honor of interviewing ASNE President Milton Coleman after the opening session and was humored and intrigued by the stories of his journey to (what I consider) the pinnacle of journalistic success and his motivation to inspire and assist educators and young journalists.

As I plan to (hopefully) complete an article featuring Coleman, I remember a comment he made that I found most impressive - "It's not just for me" - he passionately stated in response to questions about his prestigious position and any obstacles he may have encountered along the way. He made it clear that what he learned "in the sixties" has been the driving force behind all of what he does to ensure young journalists and especially young minority journalists an opportunity to succeed in the industry. And he has... more on this later...

Jenese Giles
Northeast High School
Oakland Park, FL

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