Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sports Stories

Tom Blodgett, Assistant Sports Editor at The Arizona Republic had some good points for writing sports stories. He explained the challenges and ethics to the job.

I never really thought about the perks with being around professional sports teams.
I can see where journalists could get into unethical situations quickly. Many sporting events have food and publicity items to promote them.
It is important for journalists to protect their ethical image. They need to be honest and not bias to any specific team or organization. If a journalist where to accept gifts and or food from a team or organization it would make the reporter look like they are favoring that team.

It is a really good idea to talk about conflict of interests with young journalism students. They need to understand the value of honesty and personal integrity.

A student publication in a small school would also need to make sure students in the sports and on the journalism staff are not writing stories about the teams they participate in.

Bracinda Blum
Woodbine High School
Woodbine, Iowa

Photo to top right: Tom Blodgett Assistant Sports Editor for The Arizona Republic as he presented at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication for the 2010 ASNE Reynolds Institute high school journalism teachers. ~Bracinda Blum

Here is a link from English teachers about lesson plans for writing sports stories.

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